Contact us at L T Baynham
For Car Breakdowns Please Contact The Relevant Manufacturer.
For Van/Minibus Breakdowns Please Contact - Run Your Fleet - 0800 107 5867
The majority of cars today come with temporary repair kit which should be used in the first instance. For further car tyre assistance we would recommend contacting a local tyre company.
If you have used any Temporary Repair Kits then please let us know when the vehicle is returned.
Please note any punctures or tyre blowouts are not covered by ourselves or any of the breakdown services. Repairs or replacements are the hirers responsibility.
Please note any tyre replacement should be of the same brand and model wherever possible.
For Van/Minibus tyre assistance you can use our ATS National account number A00958788 Contact on 0370 066 3621
Please note any callout charges along with any tyre replacement cost is fully chargeable.
Callout charges can be upto £210 + VAT plus the price of any tyre replaced.
To learn more about our car garage or any of the vehicle rental services we offer, please don't hesitate to get in touch using our contact form or any of the details provided.
L.T. Baynham Ltd
West Hereford Service Station
74-76, Whitecross Road
Operating Hours:
Monday: 8am - 4pm
Tuesday: 8am - 4pm
Wednesday: 8am - 4pm
Thursday: 8am - 4pm
Friday: 8am - 4pm
Saturday: 8am - 10am
Sunday: 8am - 9am
Registered as a limited company in England and Wales under company number: 01713576